
Chinese Classes and Courses,
School is in session! Find Chinese Classes and Courses that are effective and don't burn a hole in your wallet either right here.


Being fluent in Chinese one of the world's oldest but most challenging languages will definitely set you apart from the majority.

There are many classes out there and they fall into two categories: at home instruction or classroom setting instruction. At home Chinese courses will allow you to set your own pace of course and on the other hand a course at your local college will be more time consuming but perhaps worth the effort.

To find LOCAL Chinese course try inputting "Chinese class + the name of your city or a zip code" into your favorite search engine.

However, if you are looking for the best Chinese courses online or for at home study check out the Best of Class List right here on this page. These courses come with the extra benefit of "you setting the pace," less $$ money spent and "YOU WILL OWN THEM FOR LIFE!"

Since you are online at the moment reading this let's break down the best courses that you can purchase. Review courses below

Chinese Classes / Courses to have 
This Year's 3 Best of Class
Do-it-Yourself Courses


1. Rocket Chinese (CLICK)

We all know that many times new products are better than their predecessors and that is what sets Rocket Chinese, this year's editor's choice apart. This newest stellar course takes learning Chinese to a new speed level and is truly the only course that seems modern. Designed to teach one of the world's most challenging languages to you in less time, Rocket Chinese has so many HUGE pluses that this year it is EDITOR'S CHOICE.

The Goods (9)

   1. Go from beginner to intermediate speaker

   2. The only courses that is portable which makes it unique: learn from a computer, mp3 or in your car

   3. Only course to offer a forum to interact with other learners.

   --Worth its weight in gold this forum is filled with native speakers, teachers and other learners, all yours for life.

   4. Lifetime support.

   5. Most affordable course by far: Does not cost the price of a plane ticket to China!

   6. Free, yes Free! 6 day triallllll
   7. Real Life and Up- to - date contemporary Chinese.  With thousands of Chinese characters in and out of use everyday Rocket Chinese shines   right here because they get it right when making sure that what you are learning is not out of date and you can use it immediately. There is a reason why it's called Rocket Chinese.

8. Instantly available - Rocket Chinese is the only course that is INSTANTLY available to you as soon as you order it and another reason that it's editor's choice this year.

***We love products with great support! Rocket Chinese is getting stellar reviews for support.

The Considerations (0):
1. Surprisingly none so far (will keep you up to date)

Click Here To Check out Rocket's 6 day Free Trial

2. Berlitz Chinese

Price: $
For a beginner.

Berlitz Chinese is another Chinese learning program that has been on the market for quite some time. This Program though not as comprehensive as editor's choice here or number 3 and 4 on this list does in fact win out for price and flashcards. If you are just putting a toe into studying Chinese this may be the course for you.

If you are looking for a serious investment of time in learning Chinese go with Rocket.

3. Pimsleur Chinese

This iconic language program is reminiscent of a time when going abroad was a sign of class. Pimsleur Chinese remains one of the world's best known and loved!  language programs.

Their comprehensive course is awesome for those who best learn by ear, in other words if you can do tapes you can do Pimsleur Chinese. Pimsleur is quite possibly the most comprehensive course. Why? Because many of its courses are 100s of hours long and cover learning any language to advanced levels.

For those of you who are really looking to master Chinese, Pimsleur will be an invaluable tool.

The Goods (3) 
  1. Great for audio "ear" learners.
  2. VERY comprehensive if you are wanting to be proficient in Chinese.
  3. The best course for those who learn through intense study and sleep cycle learning.
The Considerations (2)
  1. Expensive. We love Pimsleur but this course will put a dent in your wallet. Proceed with this course if you  NEED to learn Chinese to the max or intend on living in China or working there.
  2. Audio - It's the only format for learning. Not everyone learns best that way.

3. Rosetta Stone

Another stellar course that deserves to be in the top 3 of any Chinese learners arsenal. Rosetta Stone consistently shines as a serious contender for learning Chinese.

Rosetta Stone has been in the business of teaching languages for years now. Their Chinese language courses are very user friendly and comprehensive and better yet, you will be able to find Rosetta Stone Chinese courses for a great price even on Amazon. Though it's not editor's choice here look below and find out more:

The Goods (3):
  1. Comprehensive -  this course will help you go from a  beginner to a well spoken Chinese man or woman. There is a caveat though below.
  2. Foundation- Rosetta Stone will definitely help you to get a great foundation in learning Chinese and that is the strong suit of this program.
  3. Affordable - This courser though not as affordable as Rocket Chinese will at least not break the bank. However it will cost a plane ticket to China should you go through all 3 levels.
The Considerations (5)

Unfortunately this course, though it used to be the "go to" course for everyone, it is no longer the consumer favorite and is beginning to show its age. Reasons why:

1. Rosetta Stone though not astronomically expensive is not cheap either. It ranks as the second most affordable option for      learning Chinese after Rocket Chinese.

2. Pricing -  It's enough that you shell out a pretty penny for level one of the course as a beginner but unfortunate that you must shell out the same pennies for level II and level III. 

3. Usability - The comprehensiveness of the course is great. Yet, Rosetta Stone needs to play catchup in some areas. Users often note that this course does not enable you to interact or "use" what you have learned from the start in a real life. It essentially does not get you immersed in the language early enough.

4. Location, location location! Rosetta Stone is all about your computer and you sitting there for hours on end. Today the world is more mobile and multitasking than ever and this is a serious drawback for those of us that would prefer to sit in a park, cafe or in rush hour traffic and put any language course to use and this is where the course misses the mark.

5. NEW Consideration: according to feedback on the internet and in forums, Rosetta Stone software is irreplaceable if your computer crashes or the program has errors operating on your computer. Also, it is to be used on one computer only and not shared. Serious drawback.