
Chinese Conversation 
How You Can Learn Conversational Chinese. . 
and use it!


Probably one of the first things that you are going to notice about Chinese conversation is that it's not just about what you say but the:  4 W's and one H . . . meaning who, what, when, where and how you say things. Get a brief overview about some things you should know about Chinese conversation right here:


Chinese Conversation - Some Do's and Don'ts ! When Starting 


First have fun speaking Chinese and YES you will make some mistakes but Chinese culture is very familiar with "saving face" and believe me when speaking Chinese native speakers will be more thrilled that you are trying and flattered.

Let's go over some things you can use to your advantage:

1. In China start out by addressing anyone with their full name (first and last) or last name with a proper title. Calling someone by their given name or first name is something you have to be invited to do. Only close friends and family do this and then wait until they tell you which name to call them.

2. Handshakes are the customary way to greet in China.

3. When meeting more than one person address the eldest person first - respect for elders is important.

4. Many Chinese will look down when addressing you , its a customary sign of deference so don't take it personally.

Chinese Conversation - How to Improve it


If you are new to Chinese or even an intermediate learner you will need to work on pronunciation of Chinese the most you can with a course that focuses on participation. Chinese is a phonetic language in which even the slightest slip of the tongue or mispronunciation of a vowel can render a completely different meaning for a word or worse you will not even be understood!

Funny Fact - There are more than 10 dialects of Chinese in China and guess what! they are mutually unintelligible, weird! So, no wonder your Cantonese friend doesn't understand you when speaking mandarin. Mandarin is the most common form of Chinese and is "standard Chinese."

The best way to improve your conversation - Get The BEST Tips HERE

1. Sing out loud. 

This little thought of secret is how people master Chinese. Ever notice that your voice changes throughout the day?
Well, by singing you will be able to get the most out of your vocal cords and be able to master the four tones of Chinese.