
Learn How to Speak Chinese - The Suggestions Page

Some of the suggestions on this page can not be stated enough, so pay close attention. 

Suggestions that are gold will be highlighted in a gold color*

Let's Go!

1. Practice Anywhere! Don't give us the excuse that you don't know where either. You eat Chinese food right? Go to a Chinese restaurant and talk to a native speaker if you can find one.

2. Practice Right Here - Okay, So you don't do Chinese food perhaps but you know how to read and type and perform mouse clicks. All the skills that you need for that online Chinese forum that you just typed into search!

3. Great Lighting - Light bulbs go off in my head every now and then. When studying Chinese characters as you will eventually do, please do it in good lighting. They can be hard on your vision.

4. Stretch Your Voice! - If you can sing, or not, try to stretch your range of sound so that you can consistently pronounce the four tones in Chinese and the accompanying consonant sounds. Chinese tones are very distinct from other languages and as you repeat out loud you will get used to them in your own ear. Being confident hearing your own self is very powerful and another great tip to learn how to speak Chinese. Hottttt tip for those of us that can be a hot mess!

5. How do you Learn? - I learn best in real situations, others by ear and still others by using flash cards, ugh hate those. Anyway, figure it out. However, you learn you will really need to be at your best to learn Chinese. Some courses are all audio, others will have you at the computer for hours and some you can take "anywhere"