
How to Find the Best Chinese Language Course for You


A lot of people get stuck on where to start when beginning or even continuing learning Chinese. On this page you will find a helpful guide on what to look for when getting started and how to make your learning curve a little less steep.

Covered Here
How to Choose a course appropriately          
Questions to ask yourself                            
What a course should have

One of the first things that you are going to need to do is ask yourself a question:

"How do I learn best?"

By starting here you will be well on your way to making the course fit you and not the other way around. This is the secret to learning a language "fast."

For example:
Audio learner -  You like to listen to tapes/ mp3 recordings and learn best by hearing what you are learning.

Visual learner - You learn best either by watching videos or actually being immersed in a real life scenario.

Reader -  Your strength lies in reading and you are probably a fan of flashcards or a similar method of learning.

What to Do:
Find a course that incorporates the way that you best learn.

Check out the  Chinese Courses Reviewed Here

Why Chinese? 
A Simple Question for You
Chinese Language Course

So you want to learn Chinese. That is great but why? or even better for what or even more where?

 How fast do you need to learn it? 
Are you using it for business? vacation?

Think about it. Because saying I like to eat apples at work is more humorous than professional. What do you need to be able to accomplish with the Chinese Language?

What Your Chinese Language Course "Should Have"


1. The Course must have "Conversational" training in "mandarin," the most spoken dialect in China today.

2. Pinyin -  this standard system of letters from the alphabet represents sounds of mandarin Chinese. <u>An absolute must have.

3. Real Life Learning scenarios - must be included. Chinese is very dynamic and changes too!

4. Chinese Characters Lessons- One of the great challenges to learning Chinese "mandarin" is writing it.

5. Help!- Must have great accessible tools to use to get help and on your time: live forums, tutors and email.

6. Extensive Chinese Vocabulary and Characters! - There are thousands of characters to learn, your course must at least have 1,000.

7. Interactive Videos - Absolute must have to be able to practice practice practice pronunciation. Get ones that make you participate too
8. Pronunciation, Pronunciation, Pronunciation! - most importantly any course you take needs to be extensive in pronunciation aids.

9. And a Smart student Like you who will keep this list . A Must have!

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