
Best Way to Learn Chinese - Mandarin Chinese 7+ Curious Tips and More. 

Chinese is China's gift to the world it just may not seem that way when you are studying it. Let's face it Chinese is not easy but fun? YES

Let's Go! Hopefully you haven't pulled your hair out learning the four Chinese tones or burned the bank down buying courses with dead ends. Take a break. The best way to learn Mandarin is to have fun with it. If you have not gotten a good laugh by now with the pronunciation alone you are really missing out. I know how to make the weirdest faces now in front of the mirror pronouncing mandarin words!

Top Ten Tips!

Top 10 of Best Way to Learn Chinese
10  Become a Professional Stalker!
You know those waiters at your favorite Chinese late night spot? Find out their name and practice your brand new Mandarin on them. Trust me, they will be more than eager to help you practice phrases like. . ."You are not alone." Just know when to leave!

Top 10 of Best Way to Learn Chinese
9 Remember Little and Often
Beijing was not built in a day. Learn 20 new words this week and you will know 960 words next year! It's again one of the best ways to learn mandarin. Using flash cards is a must: On one side, the meaning. On the other side, draw the mandarin character and pronunciation in pinyin. What is pin yin? find out here!

Pin yin: At "How to fix your Mandarin Pronunciation"

Best Way to Learn Mandarin

Top 10 of Best Way to Learn Chinese
8 Sleep on it!
My aunt taught me this trick: try to get a hold of a cd or mp3 course like a podcast and just before bed start listening to mandarin Chinese. Listening to a language while sleeping is supposed to help with retention purportedly. It worked for me!

Top 10 of Best Way to Learn Chinese
7 Read the Tabloids!
"If you can find me a printed Chinese newspaper, That would be lovely" - - Some say the best way to learn Mandarin or standard Chinese is to translate and learn new words with magazines and books. I prefer magazines. This is a great way to make sure that your Mandarin is fresh and up to date. Many many courses are not! So, try the one I recommend and bookmark it : click here

Top 10 of Best Way to Learn Chinese
6Learn to Sing
Not the best singer in English? Look on the bright side in Chinese they won't even understand you ! Find a little Chinese ditty and start singing today. I did! and this crazy idea is one of the best ways to stretch your vocal cords for those difficult Chinese tones and break out of your accent.

5-3 Top Ten: Best Way to Learn Mandarin Chinese

Top 10
 of Best Way to Learn Chinese
5  Keep it Light!
Real Quick, because this is SUPER important - I know! When studying mandarin do it in a well lit area. Especially, when studying characters. Chinese characters are very detailed. Your 20/20 vision will thank you!

Top 10
 of Best Way to Learn Chinese
Keep it Simple
Learn the simple Chinese characters first because they give hints to all the more complex Chinese characters known as "radicals." Most characters are made of component parts and always practice pronunciation!

Top 10 of Best Way to Learn Chinese
3  Practice!
Why? Let me put it this way: there are several dialects of what we think of as "Chinese." If you miss pronouncing a vowel sound your "ENTIRE" conversation may be unintelligible. Trust me. It happens among Chinese themselves. Those who speak Cantonese will think that you are from another planet speaking mandarin.

Top 10 of Best Way to Learn Chinese
Know your best way to Learn
I suck with flashcards and learn much faster when in real life settings. How do you learn best? Do you rewrite phrases and study from books? Are you an audio learner who learns best with recordings? Figure it out now before you do yourself the damage of buying an ineffective course.

Top 10 of Best Way to Learn Chinese
1 Take Action - Get a Really Great Course to study

Like anything in life taking action is the best tip ever. Don't keep scouring for tips when you can get immersed in Chinese today. No on knows how you learn or what is best for you but you!

With over 3,000 characters needed just to read a newspaper you are going to need a course.

Chinese is best learned with a course that really focuses on getting you involved and not staring at a screen. From the tips here you should already know that you will need a course that gets you motivated to practice practice speaking Chinese as much as possible. Check out the "Best of Class Course This Year"

Reviews of Industry leading courses can be found HERE