
Learning Chinese Online - Where to do it

Learning Chinese online is an increasingly popular choice for many as it allows for invaluable interaction with the instruction and best of all it keeps the learning process up-to-date and contemporary which is crucial because Chinese is comprised of so many words and characters that change in usage by the year.

"There are plenty of places online to get started learning Chinese online"

Most will tell you that immersion is the best way to learn a language and that is indeed the truth. However, not all of us have the luxury of hopping a plane to any corner of the planet. 

Fortunately, in this modern world more and more options are open to us.

First, there are now a few courses available that do take advantage of online resources such as forums and will keep you ahead of the curve. All of which is very important: Chinese is such an ancient language that it's really important to be learning the vocabulary that is in use today and not even 20 years ago.

Second, you already enjoy an internet connection by way of reading this. Take advantage of what the world wide web actually is for:  "communication." Have you considered the many forums online that are free for practicing Chinese?

Type: "Chinese + forum" into your favorite search engine and start practicing Chinese today.

Third, You would be amazed at how many Chinese pen pals are REALLY eager to be your buddy. Look online for a Chinese pen pal today. I took this route and was swamped by friend request in China. The advantage to having one is that you will be learning Chinese that is actually being used in China and slang that is not found in most courses.

Check out: to get started on finding your pen pal