
I just read an interesting article in the New York Times this week about China's effort to share it's  culture here in the United States. Many Chinese teachers  are now heading stateside to teach Chinese to Americans and their observations on American life provide an interesting perspective on the American way of life.

Noticeably many of these teachers remarked on the lax educational standards and the obliviousness of many American students about life outside our border. One line in the article remarked on a girl's question:

"Where is France?"

That one question alone I think is quite sobering for any American. In China according to teachers there students spend an exorbitant an=mount of time studying all the way through high school up to 14 hours a day. WOW! I certainly hope that our education system will continue to improve. 

Recently President Obama recognized the fact that a High school diploma is no longer the green light to the American way of life that we are all so enamored with.

It's becoming ever more important that we recognize that the world has indeed caught up to America in many walks of life and that increasingly we are going to have to invest in our education system like never before to enjoy even a remnant of a leadership role we often take for granted in the world. Just a thought!
I just had the most interesting dish in my life right here in China. Let's just say it's from an animal that i though would never be on a plate. Thank goodness i was told afterwards lol. Im a bit shy saying what IT was but just be careful what you put in your mouth in any part of China! hahaha.

 . . .I put a youtube vid up on here if you are curious to know what the dish was similar to LOL. OMG I can't believe i ate that!!!

Off to south China for a few
Welcome and thank you for visiting my small site dedicated to getting you to learn Chinese.

Like you I am pretty eager to master a language that can be quite a challenge. I know that when I first began learning Chinese or rather mandarin in 2007 it was a headache! 
Chinese is no where near being similar to a Western language and I pulled my hair out learning it. All I can say is practice as much as you can "out loud too" and you may find some of the most off the beaten path tips on here to actually be the best ones.

Explore learn and I will keep this page up to date on the best of what the world and the net has to offer you